Sunday, February 23, 2020

Trouble in River City

I have been trying to avoid the synthesis of these thoughts for way too long. Maybe, if I put it down as best I can, it will leave me alone. At the very least, by putting it down, I can say to myself that'll do pig; that'll do. 

My focus begins with the current political situation in most of the world, and in particular what we see - the tip of an iceberg (mostly hidden) - the 'man' who is leader. That man (you know who in the USA) is what I see as the culmination of a long, carefully planned scheme that parallels many successful schemes throughout history. Oh, I know - most see the parallel with Germany of the 1930s, but we don't have to get quite that dramatic. That is only one example.

I would rather be kind and draw your attention to a fictitious religious group; let's call it the Universal Gathering of the Followers of The Truth*. This church follows a pattern something like this:
1. Become the only source of truth (the voice of God) for your congregation.
2. From your infallible platform, tell the populace that there is a terrible crisis. (the devil is among us)
3. Convince them that the only salvation is through you. (perform rituals of purification)
4. Make sure they are convinced even before the crisis is revealed that if they don't do as they are told there will be terrible consequences to them personally. (hell fire)
5. Warn them that there will be others who will come with contrary messages sent to tempt them; those people are seducers to the dark side. (the devil and his minions)
6. Convince that same population that even though they cannot see any benefits right now to doing as you say, there will be a reward; a big reward, down the line. Call the reward heaven.

Those who created and control the talking heads in our "enlightened times" understood the schema well. They started setting the stage for success many decades ago. Look at the steps above and think about how pervasive media control is in this world. The message is now consistent. We have been told and sold the bill of goods that we need to be afraid. The crisis has been staged well. It wasn't easy to disenfranchise large portions of the world so that they would be willing to pick up automatic weapons and kill on command; they were all peaceful folk by-and-large (there are always those who are violent by nature, of course) but no more. After decades of manipulation, they are a real threat. Now we have a common enemy. And, not only that, there are enemies within, too. And we have to be careful to not fraternize with anyone who would suggest otherwise. And, finally, there appears a saviour who mocks those who would give comfort to the enemy. The saviour will fix everything, even if only a handful seem to be getting any benefit in the present. All will be well if we just have faith!

Maybe what we need is a bit of levity.

I know! A musical comedy - The Music Man

Well, ya got trouble, my friends, ...  trouble ... trouble ...

*I do hope there is no real group with this name.


  1. Unfortunately, there always seems to be fertile ground for exploitation by the aforementioned religious (or pseudo-religious) organisation. I have noticed that for some time now, it seems to be 'in' that one should emote about every and any subject imaginable. No-one seriously expects that we should act out every thought we have, at least I hope not. Yet it seems far more permissible to act on any emotion we have. And that is a gift for the religious manipulator.

    Of course you and I are the ones to whom everyone should listen, to avoid the various coming crises, but will they listen and be saved? Oh no! And there will be hell to pay, you mark my words. :)

  2. What is euphemistically called social media definitely fits into what you wrote above. Folks reporting on every detail of their lives and emotional swings has become the fodder of big business and governments in search of manipulation alike.
    Your analysis of the power that you and I collectively exert, I take was a given.
    ;- D

  3. Hi Deanna,
    Ah ha –your posts prompts a lengthy discourse, so please excuse any indulgence presumed on my part in what is probably far too long a repose to your excellent summary.

    Are we not seeing the end result of dialectical materialism? Hegel talked at length about this, which in turn enthused Karl Marx’s dialectical materialism – the idea that everything is always in a constant state of flux, .is and is not, in tune with the laws of nature. So you need to wrest control and responsibility to a form of socialism that has never been tried but aims for better outcomes, based on the evidence in the idea of dialectical materialism.

    So do we not see seeds of the inevitable sprouting of the revolutionary combustible tide emanating from soulless capitalism? Not that the world has got worse off, for the reverse is true. But perception is the key as in the growing awareness of inequality?, to fuel popularism. in the western world. Much more so in the developed world to feel isolated on both fronts inclusive also from views emanating from privileged form of intellectualism as well ?
    Not that I embrace any form of wholesale socialism, for you just swap one brand of control to another as in the failings of human nature manifest in a different form. But can we learn something about a soulless enslavement on many fronts evidenced by many at the moment? For the changes in thinking belong first in the street, in communities, in institutions to finally finish up I think with better governance, framed in a more ethnically based thoughtful system yet to emerge.
    Best wishes

    1. At one level, it seems to me that while, for many, there is a hunger that bread and circuses can never appease, since we live in a democracy, there will always be far too many who are easily manipulated for anything but a revolution to effect change. See item 3 above. Most people are convinced that their saviour (fearless leader) has all the answers. Anyone who questions that is part of the enemy, sent to tempt them away from the path of truth.
      Those who are aware of the extent of the control of the societies of our time are in no position to do anything more that warn others that the control exists. And the process of giving the warning is made akin to step 5 above. Fortunately, ridicule is the weapon of choice at this point. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

      When I was a teen, some clever person told me: "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you."

  4. Hi Deanna,
    Whilst I don’t necessarily disagree with your most people synopsis, from your teaching experience don’t you think most young people are idealists? Not a fan of identity politics but Gen Z growing up with the increased uncertainty of the GFC etc.etc, computer savvy, more likely to review things outside traditional multi media outlets, will be a bit more discerning than your prognosis suggests? The millenniums supposedly support candidates who might be described as Social democrats to a large extent as I understand it? although the tide could be turning. So here we have a 78 year old getting the attention of the younger generation with a socialistic agenda that is terrifying others in the party. But each generation has always brought a different cultural perspective to that of their processors.
    Hence a social democrat like Sanders –with a following among Latinos and young people may catch a lot of Trump defectors – don’t you think? In fact the unthinkable could happen to push the Vermont senator to victory. It’s about 50/50 isn’t it, which is not much different to the last several decades, except the divergence between the two key parties seems to be more bitter and divided. But the shrinking middle class may also have lot to do with the outsourcing by technology, as people flock to find a saviour.
    Best wishes

    1. We shall see what happens in November. Apathy was what got the incumbent elected. There appears to be some engagement this time around.

      I agree that our hope is in the young, who still are able to engage their "bullshit detector". When I see the way Sanders is demonized by many in that country for suggesting that the rich should bear some responsibility for the care of the less fortunate, that makes me feel little hope for such a place.
      To be fair, political debate in many parts of the world seems to have degenerated into the demonization of the opposition. In the background, I hear someone saying "My God is better than your God."
      What a world!!
